Content Development Sweet Spots

Content Development Sweet Spots

Custom content development is much like building a custom home. If you had a choice, would you settle for a cookie-cutter home that’s going to meet only some of your needs or a custom-designed one that incorporates all your unique needs? Just as an architect spends...
Encouraging Teachers to Integrate SEL Skills in the Classroom

Encouraging Teachers to Integrate SEL Skills in the Classroom

Exciting changes are happening in the world of education, but these changes come with their own unique set of challenges. The recent Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) has made necessary adjustments to our national model of education. The most positive change is a...
Should You Revamp Your Legacy Courses?

Should You Revamp Your Legacy Courses?

They may be technologically obsolete, but legacy courses contain riches you don’t want to leave behind in your eLearning development plans. New courses are ready to emerge from all those assets! If you transform rather than transfer legacy content, you can leverage...
Virtual Reality Technology: Changing the Education Industry Rapidly

Virtual Reality Technology: Changing the Education Industry Rapidly

Virtual reality technology is at the forefront of educational reform and rapidly changing the way society educates. Many years ago, the cost of virtual reality technology was too high to be integrated into the public and private school systems, but recent advancements...
Factors Affecting the Cost of eLearning

Factors Affecting the Cost of eLearning

So, you are thinking about taking the plunge into eLearning development, but where do you begin? There are so many options out there. In this technological age we have so much information available to us, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Finding the perfect balance of...
eLearning Production That Generates Great Courses

eLearning Production That Generates Great Courses

Creating an eLearning course can be a fun and rewarding project. A well-built eLearning course can produce essential performance outcomes and learning objectives for the intended learner. There are important aspects associated with eLearning production that begin with...