3 Characteristics of Well-Written Multiple Choice Assessment Items

3 Characteristics of Well-Written Multiple Choice Assessment Items

Well-written multiple choice assessment items can assess many levels of thinking. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating great multiple-choice assessment items. However, there are a few characteristics of a well-written item. Here are the 3 key features....
The Four Responsibilities of an Effective Subject Matter Expert

The Four Responsibilities of an Effective Subject Matter Expert

Every great course begins with the knowledge of a subject matter expert. Being an effective SME, however, requires more than an understanding of the subject matter. Because the SME contributes as one member of a larger development team, skill in navigating the team...
Improving Students’ Writing and Communication Skills

Improving Students’ Writing and Communication Skills

It is happening: the art of the written word is dying. With the growth of technology and the push to digitize everything, other skills have been pushed aside. Skills like writing have been deemed less valuable, even obsolete. The reality is, however, that writing...
How to Equip Students with Workplace-Ready Soft Skills

How to Equip Students with Workplace-Ready Soft Skills

The price of college continues to rise. That’s a fact. With that rising price tag, it’s critical that colleges give students the workplace-ready soft skills they need. Historically, college skills included academic and sometimes technical skills. Recently, employers...