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Curriculum Evaluation: What to Assess and Understand

Curriculum Evaluation: What to Assess and Understand

Curriculum evaluation is much more than a content review. An evaluation must consider the nuances of the entire development cycle, from conception to maintenance. Still, content, instructor delivery, and student performance make the news. But, focusing evaluation only on those three areas fails districts and, more importantly, students. Curriculum evaluation relies on complex processes. Therefore, most evaluation models do not account for the nuances of the development process. Leaders consider these details when evaluating curriculum.

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Selling to School Districts: How Can Educational Companies Make a Great Product?

Selling to School Districts: How Can Educational Companies Make a Great Product?

Many products exist in the K-12 space. On the teaching level, enthusiastic school administrators promote the use of a new product or curriculum. Later, this product or curriculum does not resonate with the teachers. Essentially, the product becomes “shelved” because teachers fall back on what they know. Teachers rely on what works for their classroom. Also, when it comes to educational products, teachers and school administrators confront thousands of choices. Overall, these products boast similar features and benefits. K-12 publishers and providers consider these points to make successful educational products when selling to school districts.

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Developing Competency-Based Learning for College Courses

Developing Competency-Based Learning for College Courses

Leaders face many critical decisions when converting curricula from traditional course-based degree programs to competency-based learning paths. General ed classes weave through curriculums. Transfer courses encounter discrepancies in inequality between institutions. So, leaders need to establish criteria for CBL courses. Higher-ed leaders can follow these tips to create successful competency-based learning for college courses.

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Social-Emotional Learning Products: How Can Publishers Improve Them for High School Students?

Social-Emotional Learning Products: How Can Publishers Improve Them for High School Students?

While some SEL programs face criticism from states and parents, a need for them remains. For high schoolers, effective SEL materials and products lack focus for them. Many high school students use products geared for younger grades. Therefore, these products do not address the social status that high school students experience in their teen years. Ineffective products lead to poor results. Providers and publishers consider the methods below to integrate into your products and materials for social-emotional learning.

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Higher-Ed Leaders Consider These 10 Points When Creating Online College Classes

Higher-Ed Leaders Consider These 10 Points When Creating Online College Classes

Institutional leaders can build a thriving, close-knit student community with online college courses. However, leaders need to set the stage for success. They can urge faculty to use proven instructional design elements when they author online college courses. But, this content needs to be more than face-to-face instruction delivered via a meeting link. Online college classes must meet the university’s rigorous academic standards. Leaders can consider these 10 points. 

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5 Ways to Increase Digital Publishing for Spanish Language

5 Ways to Increase Digital Publishing for Spanish Language

Spanish-speaking readers are complex and diverse. Yet, Spanish readers continue to wait for the range of English readers’ choices in digital products. Publishing leaders misunderstand the market when translating English-speaking content into Spanish. Publishing leaders can use these five ways to increase digital publishing products for Spanish language readers.

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5 College Enrollment Strategies for Higher-Ed Leaders

5 College Enrollment Strategies for Higher-Ed Leaders

College attendance continues to decline. According to The Evolllution, an online newspaper, the enrollment for Spring 2002 dropped. Students face many challenges like student debt. Additionally, with the demand for workers, some students are putting off college for now and are working. Many companies like Google offer career certificates that compete against the traditional colleges that offer online courses. Thus, colleges continually face new competition. Higher-ed leaders can consider these 5 strategies for college enrollment.  

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Video Production Services: Effectively Use Video for College Courses

Video Production Services: Effectively Use Video for College Courses

Educational videos need to be more than recorded lectures to engage students. Still, video production seems easy. All the faculty needs is a camera and their lecture notes, right? No, compelling videos can make or break a course’s effectiveness. Read on for the best things to focus on when creating videos for college courses when using video production services.

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Experiential Learning: 4 Elements Publishers Can Support

Experiential Learning: 4 Elements Publishers Can Support

Experiential learning helps students to learn by doing. Thus, as online learning expands, schools must provide options for this type of learning. Students can work in groups, use project-based learning, and experience the arts to learn. Therefore, teachers and school districts can provide various ways to learn. Publishers can consider these four elements when supporting experiential learning for K-12.

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K-12 Education: 5 Things Publishers Can Support for Phonics Instruction

K-12 Education: 5 Things Publishers Can Support for Phonics Instruction

Publishing leaders face yet another controversial conundrum – phonics versus balanced literacy instruction. For the last twenty years, providers have pivoted content development from a single text to a series of leveled teaching techniques. Now, educators are under fire for using instructional methods not backed by evidence and research to teach kids how to read. Recent headlines put phonics back in the spotlight as the method for teaching students to read. Again, publishers must rise to the challenge of giving teachers the tools they need in their classroom – as individualized as that can be. Publishers can use these 5 points to support phonics-based instruction for K-12 education. 

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