Pros and Cons of Computerized Adaptive Testing

Pros and Cons of Computerized Adaptive Testing

What is Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT)? Let’s start by defining what Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) is. CAT is a form of computerized testing that adapts based on the answers provided by the test-taker. The algorithm commonly starts with a medium or...
Our Top 5 Content Development Articles of 2019

Our Top 5 Content Development Articles of 2019

As we get ready to welcome 2020, we thought it would be a great idea to recap 2019 with our top 5 content development articles written this year. The primary reason these content development articles made it onto our list is due to the great value they provide to our...
Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Computer Science Curriculum

Top 4 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Computer Science Curriculum

Without a doubt, creating a computer science curriculum can be a bit challenging. There are a ton of variables and plenty of room for mistakes. Furthermore, if you’re looking to incorporate computer science into your curriculum, be sure to prevent making the following...
4 Reasons Why A Pass is Unique

4 Reasons Why A Pass is Unique

We are proud to be celebrating our 10th birthday this month! So, what makes us unique? Here are 4 reasons why we are able to offer you high-quality content development services. 1) Nimbleness and Flexibility Nimbleness and flexibility allow us to scale up or down as...