As an educational publisher, creating products that effectively engage and educate K-12 students is vital to your success. It’s important to make sure that your educational products stand out. They must provide a valuable learning experience. Here are 7 tips to...
Staying on top of educational information is the key to creating educational content that sells. Providers must know what students need so that they can create the most effective products. The A Pass blog strives to keep decision-makers up-to-date with the most...
What’s a Machine Translation, Anyway? Obviously, Google Translate and other machine translation services are great when you’re traveling and need to communicate quickly. The automated software allows you to translate speech or the written word without any human...
What Is Competency-Based Education? Competency-based education, also known as CBE or mastery-based education, focuses on content understanding rather than passage of time. Though commonly linked to higher education programs, many states are expanding the practice at...
Introduction: Why Do You Need an Instructional Designer? When looking at project costs, one can wonder if an instructional designer (ID) is needed. But before deciding against hiring a professional learning designer, consider the benefits. First, IDs are subject...