From Textbook to Town Square: Making Learning Relevant

From Textbook to Town Square: Making Learning Relevant

Imagine a student learning Shakespeare. In your imagination, is this learning relevant to the student? Is she deeply engaged or, perhaps, utterly bored? Strong teachers know how to engage students in learning topics that might otherwise seem irrelevant. They connect...
In the Digital Age, What’s the Point of Formal Education?

In the Digital Age, What’s the Point of Formal Education?

In today’s world, information is readily available at our fingertips. With a simple search, we can access an endless stream of facts, figures, and opinions. This unprecedented access to knowledge has transformed the way we interact with the world, but it also...
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Home Page Revisions August 2024

Home Page Revisions August 2024

Collaborating with You to Engage Learners We partner with schools, districts, and providers to connect with learners by creating engaging, effective educational products and programs. Our Work Our Expertise Years in Business Projects Completed Clients Get Started...