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Three Ways to Develop Self-Awareness

Three Ways to Develop Self-Awareness

Summer is a time for fun activities, exploring new ideas, meeting new people, and enjoying time with friends and family. Summer is also a perfect time for children to hone their skills with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). The activities below support development...

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Making the Most of Professional Development Conferences

Making the Most of Professional Development Conferences

Navigating the waters of a professional development conference can be, to say the least, overwhelming. With so many sessions to choose from, how do you know you’re getting everything you can out of your conference experience? Fear not: below are a few tips to help...

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7 Summer Educational Activities to Keep Students Learning

7 Summer Educational Activities to Keep Students Learning

Most parents know that their children suffer a learning deficit over the summer months, but we bet you’d be surprised to learn just how significant this loss can be. A recent five-year study considering students in grades two through nine found that students lost 25...

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eLearning Production That Generates Great Courses

eLearning Production That Generates Great Courses

Creating an eLearning course can be a fun and rewarding project. A well-built eLearning course can produce essential performance outcomes and learning objectives for the intended learner. There are important aspects associated with eLearning production that begin with...

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Subject Matter Expert: Use In-House or Outsource?

Subject Matter Expert: Use In-House or Outsource?

When designing curriculum, a subject matter expert, or SME, is called upon for their expertise in the subject area. There are two routes to choose from when selecting SMEs: Using a SME that is already a part of your company Outsourcing a SME Each option has its own...

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The SME in Curriculum Development

The SME in Curriculum Development

A subject matter expert, or SME, plays a critical role in the instructional design process. The SME is an expert in a particular content area, often with an advanced degree in this subject.  Individuals from a variety of professions can be SMEs, ranging from...

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Supplemental Materials in Curriculum Development

Supplemental Materials in Curriculum Development

How can we help teachers excite students? For that matter, how can we help teachers get excited? One way is through the use of supplemental materials that help students learn textbook information in different ways. If we rely on textbooks to help teachers teach, we...

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Why Outsource Education Content Writing?

Why Outsource Education Content Writing?

The Worst Fake News Story in Education Ever: Those Who Can’t Do, Teach Any professional associated with education knows that teachers not only can do but must do much more than teach. Do some of these roles sound familiar? Conflict resolution specialist Data analyst...

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eLearning 101

eLearning 101

If you are new to the eLearning creation world, there are some basics you need to know in order to get your bearings. The field of eLearning is composed of many theories, skills, and technologies that combined produce an online course. We will focus on the basics of...

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Three Qualities of a Great Content Writer

Three Qualities of a Great Content Writer

Today’s headlines seem to focus on everything that’s wrong with education. “American Schools vs. the World: Expensive, Unequal, Bad at Math”–The Atlantic “Wake-Up Call: U.S. Students Trail Global Leaders”– “Obama Administration Spent Billions to Fix Failing...

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