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Upskill: The Need for Colleges to Skillify Curricula for America’s Workforce

Upskill: The Need for Colleges to Skillify Curricula for America’s Workforce

Often it is cheaper for employers to upskill their current workforce than to recruit and train new employees. Workforce development partnerships translate education to applied skills. Technical programs make sense to those students who need their investment to end in a job. Likewise, when a college invests in teaching the skills in need by local businesses, both partners win. Schools attract a new pool of students. Companies get a skilled workforce. Still, the best news is businesses needing skilled workers. Savvy colleges invest in long-term relationships with business partners. Likewise, the school keeps itself relevant and its classrooms full.

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3 Content Localization Characteristics Publishers Should Know

3 Content Localization Characteristics Publishers Should Know

First, a document’s purpose shapes content localization. Textbooks have one form. Work instructions present another. Legal documents take yet another form. Also, the translated document needs to meet the expectations of the local readers. Teachers in Spain expect their guides to read a certain way. Teachers in Mexico and Portugal expect their guides to read in a different way. Yet, it is the same language, Spanish. Second, a clear purpose makes sure key points of the text do not get lost in translation. Also, professional translation services know the quirks of a region. Most importantly, professional content creators understand how to format the resources in ways that benefit the publisher.

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Personalized Learning: 4 Powerful Principles Publishers Should Understand

Personalized Learning: 4 Powerful Principles Publishers Should Understand

By now, providers know personalized learning is powerful. Yet, without a vision, personalized learning is difficult to do well. Still, does it make sense to pursue it as part of the strategy? Read these powerful principles leaders should know about personalized learning. Yes, personalized learning lets students take the lead in their learning journey. Still, students in personalized learning programs can make the most of their strengths. Personal learning lets students learn what they need to know when they are ready to learn it. Besides that, learners can accelerate through the content they know. Also, learners may linger with content until they master it. Likewise, personal learning gives all learners more flexibility. This attribute means providers can create a lot more content for many more types of learners. Also, publishers have the opening to sell a range of products – not just textbooks. Likewise, teachers sign on to providers’ sites to do a lot more than ever before. Teachers give each student the work they need to master the required competency.

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7 Mindsets Colleges Can Promote for Student Success

7 Mindsets Colleges Can Promote for Student Success

Succeeding in college can be challenging at the best of times. Today, the barriers to college success are more than ever before. Different barriers like mental and physical health are ongoing topics on college campuses across the country. Still, colleges can leverage the tool of a mindset to help students succeed. Carol Dweck theorized two mindsets: growth and fixed. Growth mindset students believe they can learn from failures and change to achieve their goals. Fixed mindset students feel and see their qualities as fixed; they believe change as not possible. Therefore, attitudes, beliefs,..

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LMS Systems: 7 Advancements Publishers Should Include

LMS Systems: 7 Advancements Publishers Should Include

In the past, LMS systems were used to track attendance, post grades, and generate reports. Today, learning management systems do more than imagined. Now, leaders have access to data that lets them make decisions that support the vision for their schools. Thus, K-12 publishers can make sure to include these advancements in their LMS systems. Yes, publishers still need to tell users how the LMS boosts their learning. Those online tutorials are expected. Help desks are a must. Most importantly, content creation teams win big when they meet with schools and outline how the school is going to use and push the system. Faculty, staff, and admins have different backend needs. Students and parents have distinct front-end needs. Today, leaders must…

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8 Funny Translation Fails That Publishers Should Avoid

8 Funny Translation Fails That Publishers Should Avoid

Looking for a laugh during a hectic day? Search #translationfails. Better yet, enter the name of a popular AI translation service to spur a few smiles. Yes, machine translation services have their perks. They are quick. Yes, AI services can translate words, phrases, and texts from one language to the next in a minute. They are accessible. AI translation apps abound in app stores and browsers. They are free. Still, one gets what one pays for….

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5 Methods That Deans can Apply to Improve College Enrollment

5 Methods That Deans can Apply to Improve College Enrollment

Moreover, established institutions with well-known brands have had success with satellite campuses. Besides that, schools that offer regional classes can increase their enrollment. Students can attend classes year-round. Also, colleges will attract more students who cannot afford room and board. Therefore, schools will attract working parents who cannot easily leave their families to live on campus. Still, staffing a satellite campus can be tricky. Faculty may have to rely on new methods of instruction.

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10 Key Differences Between Course Design and Course Development

10 Key Differences Between Course Design and Course Development

This stage of course design is the fun part of content creation! Here is the spark that creators say, “I have an idea for a course.” “Yes! It’s a course.” Besides that, creating courses is fun. The beginning stages of projects can push the imagination to create without limitations. Here is when the course creators envision the course. Seasoned pros will work with teams to sketch out the course flow. Experienced instructional designers will listen to the flow of ideas. ID pros…

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6 Priorities Educational Publishers Can Follow to Remain Profitable

6 Priorities Educational Publishers Can Follow to Remain Profitable

Many leaders may find their digital-first strategy needs a tune-up. Yes, creating digital learning materials is a revenue generation strategy. Yet, a new line of digital products comes with upfront costs. A cash-strapped publisher may have to weigh costs carefully. With planning, significant costs can be avoided in content development. Digital-first strategies work. Besides that, industry leaders who invested in…

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The 4 Distinctions That Publishers Should Know When Translating Language for Translation and Transadaptation

The 4 Distinctions That Publishers Should Know When Translating Language for Translation and Transadaptation

Sure, translating language or content seems like a simple outsourcing project at first. Hire a translator. Better yet, maybe this is the time to try machine translation? Not so fast. Soon this straightforward task shows the need for a deeper grasp of translation services. Still, knowing the key terms helps set the project off for effective cost-savings. Let’s talk about these distinctions between translation and transadaptation when your team is translating language and content.

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5 Benefits K-12 Publishers Get When Hiring a Content Development Vendor with a US-Based Team

5 Benefits K-12 Publishers Get When Hiring a Content Development Vendor with a US-Based Team

Therefore, the biggest advantage of hiring a US-based team is the money saved throughout the project. Publishers using offshore vendors may get a lower quote at the front end of the project. Yet, clients who opted for lower upfront costs ended up paying more in hidden costs along the way. Delays and miscommunication add up over the lifecycle of the project. Publishers save money when the products are done right the first time. A US-based content development team delivers…

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How Deans Can Help Improve the Mental Health in College Students

How Deans Can Help Improve the Mental Health in College Students

Now is the time to rethink college mental health for online and campus programs. Covid-19, financial issues, and more have impacted the mental health of college students. A survey by Active Minds, an organization focused on mental health for K-12 and Higher Ed, reports that 80% of college students stated COVID-19 has negatively impacted their mental health. Here are a few ways to help.

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