STEM Instructional Design for Greater Engagement

STEM Instructional Design for Greater Engagement

With advances in technology, we have increasing options for teaching STEM subjects, and also more avenues to share successful methods. STEM learning is great for building critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The challenge is how to engage the broad range of...
Learning Technologies Level the Playing Field

Learning Technologies Level the Playing Field

For students with learning disabilities, learning technologies offer opportunities to capitalize on strengths while bypassing areas of difficulty. As a simple example, a student who struggles with reading may learn more effectively with audio or video content. More...
Training in the Workplace: How to Achieve Lasting Results

Training in the Workplace: How to Achieve Lasting Results

For companies looking at digital training solutions, educational outcomes can have a big impact on the bottom line. Compliance, sales, skills: Business leaders can certainly enhance the value and performance of an organization through effective training. But, all too...
Preparing Students for Technology-Enhanced Assessments

Preparing Students for Technology-Enhanced Assessments

The learning community increasingly is embracing technology-enhanced items (TEI) for assessment, in coordination with organizations like PARCC and SBAC. TEIs open up a wide range of question types, such as drag-and-drop, drop-down menus, graph plotting, text...
How to Avoid Scope Creep in Project Management

How to Avoid Scope Creep in Project Management

Scope creep refers to unharnessed changes that take place in a project’s scope or breadth. Scope creep becomes a slippery slope as original project goals quickly expand, so much so that things sometimes spiral out of control. Scope creep is no fun. In fact, it can be...