Being familiar with common student misconceptions not only opens a window into student thinking, but also encourages math course writers to develop effective strategies to help students avoid incorrect generalizations or computational errors. Here are four common...
Being a math course writer in the midst of an educational reform movement can be overwhelming. It’s easy to get caught up in addressing the individual content objectives of a lesson without considering the broader objectives of mathematical practice. Here are five...
In our series on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice (CCSSMP), we’ve reached number six: Attend to precision. For students who communicate instantaneously by thumb-typing emojis, doing a task slowly and attending to detail can be maddening;...
Adaptive Assessment in Practice Let’s look at two types of adaptive testing. The first type, item adaptive, adjusts each future item based on an average estimated ability, called the ability estimate. This type of adaptive testing has many possible uses. For...
It’s now time in our series on the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice to talk about calculators. The standard at hand is number five: Use appropriate tools strategically. Calculators have been one of the battlefronts in the so-called “Math...