This is the third installment in a four-part blog series about authentic learning experiences. In the first part we focused on what authentic learning is. The second part looked at how to develop authentic learning experiences. This post shows you how to integrate...
Well-written multiple choice assessment items can assess many levels of thinking. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating great multiple-choice assessment items. However, there are a few characteristics of a well-written item. Here are the 3 key features....
Many traditional biology class frameworks require students to memorize terms and processes. The IBIS (Integrating Biology and Inquiry Skills) curriculum is different. It asks students to collaborate with others to facilitate and take charge of their own learning. They...
What are soft skills? Different skills are used and developed for different situations. The skills needed for math are different than the skills needed for reading; athletic skills are different still. But what about more subtle skills such as listening and time...
What is Mobile Learning? Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are often viewed as distractions for students. Since technology has become a necessity in our daily lives, why not integrate it into the learning framework? Those distractions can actually be used to achieve...
Thanksgiving is not only a time to savor the bounties of the season, but also a time to pause and reflect on the things we are grateful for. At A Pass, it gives us a chance to think about our company’s core values and how they align with what we love most about our...