4 Common Misconceptions Students Have About Physics

4 Common Misconceptions Students Have About Physics

Physics class can be a lot of fun! It doesn’t get much better than rockets, amusement parks, and roller coasters. In order to write a good physics course, make sure you address some common misconceptions with direct instruction and fun activities like those shown...
Teaching Grammar in 6 Fun Ways

Teaching Grammar in 6 Fun Ways

Every subject area has that one topic that is particularly difficult to keep students interested in. Grammar might just be that topic in ELA. Even educators who love teaching grammar can have a hard time keeping students focused. The rules and irregularities of the...
4 Scientific Discoveries That Cut Across All Classes

4 Scientific Discoveries That Cut Across All Classes

Ever had a problem you can’t solve even though you spent a lot of time thinking about it? You try one solution then the next, each with no correct answer, until suddenly—“Eureka!”—you know what to do and the solution is obvious. In this Aha! Moment, “your brain...
Calculus: 4 Common Student Misconceptions

Calculus: 4 Common Student Misconceptions

Appropriately named from the Latin word meaning “small stone,” calculus studies changes in variables over time at infinitesimally small intervals. Whether taken in high school or college, as a capstone or a prerequisite, this math course has the potential to excite...