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Recent Blogs
Ying Yang of Content Development: Striking the Balance
Meet student where they are at – the yin and yang of content development!!
An Engaging Combination: ELA Instruction and Apps to Make Cool Videos
Students can create book trailers in place of book reports!!
Rethinking Grammar Instruction to Keep Students Interested
Here are some ways I’ve taught grammar and mechanics instruction in the classroom since that first year of teaching.
Improving Professional Development Programs for Teachers
Being a teacher is a continuous process of engaging with new techniques, evaluating new tools, and re-examining current practice.
Current Trends in Instructional Design for Content Development
Today we are going to take a look at some of the trends in instructional design that have been accelerating in recent years.
Technology Enhanced Items in Assessment: Using Hints
The use of technology-enhanced items in assessment has gained immense popularity in recent years due to the numerous advantages these item types offer.
Working with an Educational Content Developer: The Project Onboarding Process
Managing a content development project involves many steps and depends on a reliable team to support the project goal.
Slowing Down a Fast-Moving World to Attend to Precision
Math class is a great place to teach the attention to detail and scrupulous checking of work that make these endeavors successful.
Two Types of Computer Adaptive Testing
Let’s look at two types of adaptive assessment.
List of Math Tools to Use in the Classroom
It’s now time in our series on the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice to talk about calculators. The standard at hand is number five: Use appropriate tools strategically.
Demystifying the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice
Students today need math to teach them how to approach unfamiliar problems, select and apply prior knowledge and tools, and clearly communicate their reasoning.
The Role of Personalized Learning in eLearning
Personalized learning is a tailoring process that takes into account the needs of individual learners.