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Differences between a MOOC Course and Traditional Online Course
Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are changing the way we learn online. A MOOC allows a large number of students to learn online at their own pace. Students use open-source material and peer feedback to interact within the course. Top universities like Stanford...
4 Questions to Ask Before Writing an Alt-Text Description
When preparing to create an alt-text description, there are several questions a writer should analyze before getting started. Having the answers to these questions will allow the writer to craft a more effective description. 1. What is the purpose of the image?...
3 Connections Between Learning Standards and Performance-Based Assessments
Let’s think about verbs. Regardless of your level of interest in sentence structure, the word verb most likely brought one thing to mind: action. The physical act of doing something. Now, what verb in the following standard do you consider most significant? Develop a...
3 Questions to Ask When Developing High-Quality MicroMasters Courses
Deciding to present your curriculum to the world via a MicroMasters MOOC is an excellent decision! This environment opens doors for learners that they may have perceived as being closed. Work, family, and other obligations leave many with the impression that they...
5 Steps for Incorporating Performance Based Assessment into Interdisciplinary Learning
“Good morning, class! Today, we’re going to study the literature of the ancient Mayan civilization and examine how it shaped their economy, understanding of the natural world, and language. At the end of the lesson, you’ll be assessed based upon your ability to...
Program Development: 2 Principles to Apply when Developing a New Degree
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. To give students an education they can be proud of—and one that will help them thrive in...
3 Differences between a MOOC Course and Traditional Online Course Development
Students around the world are logging in to participate in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). A MOOC is traditionally open to anyone and all content is free. The openness of a MOOC leads to enrollment in the thousands with students of varying backgrounds. Students...
3 Great Ways to Begin a High School eLearning Lesson
High school students across the nation are taking their courses online. It’s important to understand what motivates them. Identifying their motivation will help in building engaging content. Prior to developing an eLearning lesson, consider their learning...
4 Things to Consider When Developing Higher-ed eLearning Content
Whether termed distance education, online learning, web-based instruction, or eLearning, college and university enrollment in web-based courses shows no sign of slowing. The Digital Learning Compass: Distance Education Enrollment Report 2017 finds that over six...
Instructional Design in Education Begins with You
Your project needs quality instructional design elements or modules. Finding the best vendor for the work can be a challenging proposition, especially when you have never done it before. This post is designed to provide an actionable checklist that you can use to...
Putting Assessment to the Test: 3 Characteristics of Good Multiple Choice Items
It’s the question at the forefront of every assessment writer’s mind: “How can I really find out what students know?” All types of assessments have limitations, and multiple choice items are certainly no exception. However, if written well, this type of assessment can...
Communication Is Not Just A Word
Communication. The word is everywhere. We are aware of its importance, but the constant use of the word often desensitizes us to the critical nature of efficient idea exchange. Nowhere is it more important than when working with your educational consulting firm; a...