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Content Development: 9 Top Features Colleges and Publishers Should Include in their LMS

Content Development: 9 Top Features Colleges and Publishers Should Include in their LMS

Most importantly, users who have a personalized learning experience are more likely to use the LMS and continue to progress. Colleges and publishers should provide customized learning paths based on a user’s role, for instance. Students can learn at their own pace, depending on the subject and curriculum. Multiple learning formats are also ideal, such as videos, readings, offline activities, and Q&A forums.

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Cultural Sensitivity for Translations: What Points Should Publishers Understand?

Cultural Sensitivity for Translations: What Points Should Publishers Understand?

Likewise, translation is more than just words. Images and visuals are part of the bigger translation work. Logos, graphics, illustrations, and pictures on products need to be culturally appropriate. No one is going to buy products that offend them. Still, examples abound of best-selling products flopping in a new market due to cultural illiteracy. International brands have learned their lessons after putting the incorrect image or translation on a product that offended consumers. Savvy publishers can learn from these gaffes.

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Emergency Remote Learning (ERL): 9 Fundamentals Colleges Should Follow

Emergency Remote Learning (ERL): 9 Fundamentals Colleges Should Follow

In addition, leaders who focus on communication help drive results. Also, leaders can partner with IT, creating faculty webinars on how to use the emergency remote teaching tools. Still, what gets measured gets done. Updates on goal progress keep faculty in the loop. Also, Q and A sessions with IT and faculty can help build relationships and sharpen skills. Still, this moment is an important time for faculty and IT to revisit testing in ERL situations.

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Inclusive Leadership: 6 Characteristics Deans Can Promote at Their Schools

Inclusive Leadership: 6 Characteristics Deans Can Promote at Their Schools

Likewise, a dean’s leadership circle reaches into the communities inside and outside their school. Inclusive leaders build across real and imagined boundaries. Their responsibilities include reconciling the interests of many. Besides that, a dean will understand a range of people, groups, and communities. Schools that reach into the neighborhoods do more than fill a college pipeline. Deans get to co-lead with residents and businesses to support the community. Programs that serve underserved communities create opportunities for everyone.

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Accessible Education for K-12: 5 Points Publishers Should Understand

Accessible Education for K-12: 5 Points Publishers Should Understand

Therefore, accessible content can be easily accessed and manipulated by students. K-12 readers with or without disabilities can experience the same content. Likewise, publishers can meet readers’ needs. Familiar examples include large print texts and braille. Also, text-to-speech features give many students access to education. Yet, more features are sprouting up. Structurally tagged content and a navigable table of contents are two examples. Alternative text descriptions explain visuals and photos for visually impaired students. Also, font size, style, and color impact readers for accessible education. Content that lets readers select alternate background colors and control line spacing helps support and instill comprehension.

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6 Ways Deans Can Promote Access in Education 

6 Ways Deans Can Promote Access in Education 

First, liberal arts programs help to build equity in education. Vibrant theater performances attract the community. Likewise, partnerships between colleges and community groups offer theater, music, and art camps to diverse populations. These short-term programs portray shared humanity. Besides that, liberal arts camps create access as students are shown as more than test scores. These programs demand students apply in demand workforce skills such as teamwork and critical thinking. Also, these programs are portable recruitment centers.

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Bridge the Digital Divide: 7 Methods Publishers Could Implement

Bridge the Digital Divide: 7 Methods Publishers Could Implement

Still, digital delivery is easier and cheaper for publishers. Yet, many readers cannot access digital books. Sadly, these readers need books the most. So, a blended approach lets publishers offer options to these readers offline. Physical books of popular titles and backlist classics let publishers supplement them with curriculum tie-ins. Publishers can dive into their backlists to offer families those familiar stories and characters. Beloved characters can serve as online cheerleaders and guides. Also, publishers can prioritize access to highly-anticipated books. Most importantly, online bookstores that work on mobile devices are an effective sales funnel to a physical bookstore filled with quality products.

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ASU-GSV Summit 2021: Visionary Notes from Andrew Pass

ASU-GSV Summit 2021: Visionary Notes from Andrew Pass

Several weeks ago, I attended the ASU-GSV Summit 2021. After not traveling to any conferences for 16 months, it was a very exciting experience! The conference’s beautiful location, on the San Diego Bay, was invigorating. I connected and networked with folks from organizations like Kiddie Kredit, Michigan Virtual, and Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU). Here are a few great moments from the summit:

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Digital Credentials: 7 Reasons Why Colleges Need to Offer Them

Digital Credentials: 7 Reasons Why Colleges Need to Offer Them

First, digital credentials let colleges show their courses are up to date. Leaders can break traditional degree programs into micro-credentials. Learners complete micro-credentials to earn a badge. Participants earn a badge to show a single skill, like lab safety. Badges can be combined to create a digital credential, like for a lab technician supervisor program. Thus, they can be used by schools to add the latest research discoveries or new laws to keep the topic up to date. Also, these learning bytes let schools swap outdated content on the fly. Micro courses reassure learners that they are getting the best degree for the workforce.

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Learner Variability: Publishers Should Highlight These 6 features

Learner Variability: Publishers Should Highlight These 6 features

Providers can give educators the power to choose content that matches students’ learning gaps and needs. Yes, high-functioning students get appropriate content. Struggling students receive assignments to bridge learning gaps. Teachers see early warning signals. This scaffolding helps teachers create different learning levels for their classrooms. Besides that, everyone learns the same general topic. This characteristic lets teachers build an inclusive environment to promote learner variability. Also, teachers can focus on social and emotional topics.

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