Bridge the Digital Divide: 7 Methods Publishers Could Implement

Bridge the Digital Divide: 7 Methods Publishers Could Implement

The digital divide is getting wider. The pandemic, like other crises, has highlighted how tech solutions fall short for many learners. How can providers meet the vast array of needs for their audiences? Here are six methods publishers can use to bridge the digital...
Learner Variability: Publishers Should Highlight These 6 features

Learner Variability: Publishers Should Highlight These 6 features

Learner variability (LV) is not new. Ed Tech has tailored the learning environment. Learner variability has been waiting for its chance to show off. LV fits the content to the student. Still, creating materials that meet various needs in the classroom is a challenge....
3 Content Localization Characteristics Publishers Should Know

3 Content Localization Characteristics Publishers Should Know

Why bother spending the money to create local content? Local translation is expensive. Yes, content localization is tempting to skip. Yet, localized content draws in readers. Besides that, publishers with a local content plan deliver quality content in an efficient...
LMS Systems: 7 Advancements Publishers Should Include

LMS Systems: 7 Advancements Publishers Should Include

In the past, LMS systems were used to track attendance, post grades, and generate reports. Today, learning management systems do more than imagined. Now, leaders have access to data that lets them make decisions that support the vision for their schools. Thus, K-12...