Gamification for Learning: 6 Strategies for K-12 Publishers

Gamification for Learning: 6 Strategies for K-12 Publishers

Gamification makes the curriculum more engaging. Research shows students and teachers enjoy playing together as they learn about content. Also, gamification helps improve problem-solving and work skills. With remote learning, gamification is the way students interact...
Lifelong Learners: 6 Ideations for K-12 Publishers

Lifelong Learners: 6 Ideations for K-12 Publishers

Instilling the love of learning into K-12 students is a key for a lifetime of learning. Skills fade fast. Scientists make new discoveries, and history rewrites itself. Thus, new developments happen daily. Six ways K-12 publishers can lay the bedrock for lifelong...
Learning Loss: How Publishers Can Meet the Needs of K-12

Learning Loss: How Publishers Can Meet the Needs of K-12

Students entered school this fall unprepared for grade-level work. Besides that, educators must identify solutions to bring students up to grade level. Below are steps K-12 publishers can do to drive learning loss recovery.   Address connectivity and equity issues to...