It is impossible to be completely objective. Creating bias free content is challenging. Our experiences and beliefs create a lens through which we view the world. This lens can subconsciously create biases. A bias occurs when we favor one thing or one person over...
Bloom’s Taxonomy is the hallmark of learning models used today. In fact, most people utilize the strategies outlined in Bloom’s without even knowing it. Through early school experiences, we are taught to function through remembering, understanding/applying, and...
Why is it important to use Instructional Designers (IDs)? The curriculum development process involves many moving parts that work to create material that compels the learner. This process includes a team of graphic designers, web developers, writers, copy editors and...
The instructional design process takes information from a subject matter expert and transforms it into curriculum with measurable results. An effective instructional designer (ID) creates dynamic instruction that meets the diverse needs of specific learner groups. IDs...
For a student who is visually impaired, alt-text descriptions are very important pieces of information. And when these descriptions are well-written, they can provide information just as effectively as the image they describe. So what makes an alt-text description...
The year 2018 will bring innovative new developments in eLearning. The use of augmented reality and microlearning are just a few to look out for. Knowing these trends will help keep you ahead of the game and inspire your courses. Below are the top eight trends to look...