Differences between a MOOC Course and Traditional Online Course

Differences between a MOOC Course and Traditional Online Course

Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, are changing the way we learn online. A MOOC allows a large number of students to learn online at their own pace. Students use open-source material and peer feedback to interact within the course. Top universities like Stanford...
4 Things to Consider When Developing Higher-ed eLearning Content

4 Things to Consider When Developing Higher-ed eLearning Content

Whether termed distance education, online learning, web-based instruction, or eLearning, college and university enrollment in web-based courses shows no sign of slowing. The Digital Learning Compass: Distance Education Enrollment Report 2017 finds that over six...
Benefits of Micro-Credentialing in Higher Education

Benefits of Micro-Credentialing in Higher Education

For years, institutions of higher learning have been diversifying their course offerings to appeal to more students. Not only are they offering a wider range of subjects in traditional study areas, they are capitalizing on technology to mix and match face-to-face and...