The importance of clear, concise learning objectives cannot be overstated. Learners need to know what to focus on to learn the content. Still, courses fill curricula that do not have clear learning outcomes. Yet, with a few tweaks, courses and entire...
College leaders can take a variety of approaches to course design. One method is learning-centered design. This design method focuses on the needs of the students as opposed to a traditional topical approach that focuses on the subject matter itself. To create...
Artificial intelligence (AI) positively impacts K-12 and colleges across the US, especially with chatbots. Chatbots are AI-powered robots that are programmed to interact with humans conversationally. They answer questions, give feedback, and provide reminders in a way...
Over 70% of organizations in the U.S. say using a learning management system (LMS) puts their company at a competitive advantage. Many LMS options are available, but some offer better features than others. Consider these 9 features when developing an LMS system....
Even seasoned pros get mired in the terminology surrounding content creation. Besides that, the industry is full of change. Still, these industry terms—course design and course development are, at times, used interchangeably. Yet, course design and course development...
The pandemic years have highlighted the essential work an LMS does. Still, colleges are investing time and money into an LMS without considering the following essential needs. LMS Design Should be Simple Instructors need to be clear and concise about what the...