4 Best Practices for Designing a Mobile Learning Curriculum

4 Best Practices for Designing a Mobile Learning Curriculum

What is Mobile Learning? Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are often viewed as distractions for students.  Since technology has become a necessity in our daily lives, why not integrate it into the learning framework? Those distractions can actually be used to achieve...
AP Test Prep Assessment Items: A Quick How-To

AP Test Prep Assessment Items: A Quick How-To

AP exams can be daunting for students—and just as daunting for the teachers entrusted to effectively prep those students to succeed. However, these anxieties can be reduced by providing well-constructed test prep assessment items. Not only will students reap the...
Integrating Digital Game-based Learning in Higher Ed

Integrating Digital Game-based Learning in Higher Ed

Using games in learning became in vogue in the early 1960s. Jean Piaget praised the use of games in learning. He said play could help simulate real-life conflict and help resolve them. Today, we integrate digital game-based learning.   Benefits of Game-Based Learning...
Effective Online Assessments: A Four-Tip How-To

Effective Online Assessments: A Four-Tip How-To

Assessment is a vital piece of the educational process. Not only do students get a better understanding of their learning, but assessments help gather valuable learner data. Before we jump into designing effective online assessments, let’s first look at the different...