How to Innovate in Higher Education

How to Innovate in Higher Education

Do you know what percentage of Americans hold a bachelor’s degree? It’s a pretty basic fact, and a good place to start in a discussion that includes the popular notion that “college isn’t for everyone.”  We’ve looked at two recent publications we think can...
Where to Put the Ottoman

Where to Put the Ottoman

By Mona Meyer I’ll never forget the episode of “Cheers” when the rest of the gang teased Norm relentlessly about his interest in interior design. Finally, in an attempt to deflect attention from his hobby, Norm shrugs and says along the lines of, “I can’t help it....
The Value of Fun in Professional Development Programs

The Value of Fun in Professional Development Programs

As the A Pass Content Team deliberated our Professional Development series for our contractors, it was obvious from an early stage that we wanted to avoid the typical lecture-audience idiom, or even the “how-to” video so familiar on YouTube these days.  Instead, we...

Learning Objectives, Outcomes, or Competencies: Does It Really Matter?

Instructional designers and curriculum developers can spend hours arguing about fine distinctions between terms such as “learning objectives,” “learning outcomes,” or “skill-based competencies.” These arguments usually focus on differences in breadth, specificity,...