Why is Scope Creep So Problematic?

Why is Scope Creep So Problematic?

Why is Scope Creep So Problematic? For any project that involves a rapid exchange of ideas and plans, scope creep is a waiting pitfall. Scope creep quickly leads to an out-of-control and ultimately fruitless project—but many people don’t even see it coming....
The Importance of Project Evaluation for Instructional Designers

The Importance of Project Evaluation for Instructional Designers

As an instructional designer you have carefully designed and developed useful content, engaging learning activities, and challenging assessment items for a project.  You have ensured that everything is well correlated to stated learning objectives and that they...
The Key to Successful Vendor/Client Relationships

The Key to Successful Vendor/Client Relationships

In our A Pass Angle, entitled, “The Key to Successful Vendor/Client Relationships” Mona Meyer explains that two attributes must be present within project communication in order for it to be considered the highest quality communication: Intentional...
Three Steps for Critical Listening

Three Steps for Critical Listening

Who do you think is more powerful when it comes to collaborative relationships: a good speaker or a good listener? Of course, many good speakers are also good listeners, but if you could select only one of these two attributes, which would you choose? I would...
Misconceptions as Distractors in Assessment Items

Misconceptions as Distractors in Assessment Items

In his seminal article, “Those Who Understand: Knowledge Growth in Teaching,” Lee Shulman emphasizes that teachers must help students break down their misconceptions and preconceptions during the learning process. Shulman argues that effective teachers must possess a...