Two Types of Computer Adaptive Testing

Two Types of Computer Adaptive Testing

Adaptive Assessment in Practice Let’s look at two types of adaptive testing. The first type, item adaptive, adjusts each future item based on an average estimated ability, called the ability estimate. This type of adaptive testing has many possible uses. For...
List of Math Tools to Use in the Classroom

List of Math Tools to Use in the Classroom

It’s now time in our series on the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice to talk about calculators. The standard at hand is number five: Use appropriate tools strategically. Calculators have been one of the battlefronts in the so-called “Math...
The Role of Personalized Learning in eLearning

The Role of Personalized Learning in eLearning

Personalized learning is a tailoring process that takes into account curriculum, pedagogy, and the learning environment. With this approach, the needs of individual learners are met by offering them choices about what, when, and how they learn. Custom or personalized...
Meet Our CEO Andrew Pass at iNACOL in Orlando, November 8-11

Meet Our CEO Andrew Pass at iNACOL in Orlando, November 8-11

iNACOL’s Blended and Online Learning Symposium will be held next week in Orlando, Florida. Our CEO, Andy Pass, will be on hand to talk about all of the exciting new developments at A Pass Educational Group. Billed as the “industry’s leading event for K-12...