Sure, translating language or content seems like a simple outsourcing project at first. Hire a translator. Better yet, maybe this is the time to try machine translation? Not so fast. Soon this straightforward task shows the need for a deeper grasp of translation...
The lure of low-cost offshore content development firms is a temptation for K-12 publishers. Yet, the reward of low-cost content creation risks higher costs and lower quality in the long run. Below are five benefits publishers get when they opt to go with a US-based...
Now is the time to rethink college mental health for online and campus programs. Covid-19, financial issues, and more have impacted the mental health of college students. A survey by Active Minds, an organization focused on mental health for K-12 and Higher Ed,...
Hiring a translation company comes with a certain amount of sticker shock – especially when in-house translators are on staff. Therefore, working with a translation services firm presents many advantages to publishers. A Translation Company Provides...
The pandemic years have highlighted the essential work an LMS does. Still, colleges are investing time and money into an LMS without considering the following essential needs. LMS Design Should be Simple Instructors need to be clear and concise about what the...