5 Methods That Deans can Apply to Improve College Enrollment

5 Methods That Deans can Apply to Improve College Enrollment

Today, the goal of improving student enrollment faces many headwinds. Many higher education leaders are confronting barriers that are constantly affecting college enrollment. Yet, increasing enrollment is not all doom and gloom. Here are five methods in this part one...
10 Key Differences Between Course Design and Course Development

10 Key Differences Between Course Design and Course Development

Even seasoned pros get mired in the terminology surrounding content creation. Besides that, the industry is full of change. Still, these industry terms—course design and course development are, at times, used interchangeably. Yet, course design and course development...
6 Priorities Educational Publishers Can Follow to Remain Profitable

6 Priorities Educational Publishers Can Follow to Remain Profitable

Publishers face an uphill battle when it comes to remaining profitable these days. Still, opportunities to maintain and improve profits exist. Per a survey by Gutenberg Technology, 37% of industry leaders believed, “the market will still be interested, and there will...