Learning Loss: How Publishers Can Meet the Needs of K-12

Learning Loss: How Publishers Can Meet the Needs of K-12

Students entered school this fall unprepared for grade-level work. Besides that, educators must identify solutions to bring students up to grade level. Below are steps K-12 publishers can do to drive learning loss recovery.   Address connectivity and equity issues to...
Chief Online Learning Officer: 5 Trends to Lead Online Learning

Chief Online Learning Officer: 5 Trends to Lead Online Learning

The demand for chief online learning officers (COLO) has risen dramatically over the past two decades. The result is almost all institutions of higher learning now have a COLO, COO, or another professional with a similar title. Therefore, the top responsibility of...
DEI: What 5 Methods Can College Leaders Implement?

DEI: What 5 Methods Can College Leaders Implement?

Many underrepresented faculty members feel invisible in their departments, especially women in STEM fields. At the same time, people of color may feel hyper-visible as diversity and inclusion programs roll out. Still, leaders face entrenched historical obstructions....