How to Equip Students with Workplace-Ready Soft Skills

How to Equip Students with Workplace-Ready Soft Skills

The price of college continues to rise. That’s a fact. With that rising price tag, it’s critical that colleges give students the workplace-ready soft skills they need. Historically, college skills included academic and sometimes technical skills. Recently, employers...
Be Creative: Learner Engagement in Allied Health Courses

Be Creative: Learner Engagement in Allied Health Courses

What is Innovative Course Design? The challenge in any course is the design. A course should be designed for learner engagement at the highest level while preparing them academically. Allied health courses are especially challenging in this area. Because these...
Alt-Text: Things to Consider Before Writing

Alt-Text: Things to Consider Before Writing

Adding alt-text to images on websites and other digital products began in the mid-1990s. Simply stated, alt-text is wording added to an image that describes that image. It helps those who cannot see images in their web browsers know what the image represents....
Four Ways to Include Digital Games in the Classroom

Four Ways to Include Digital Games in the Classroom

Children love video games.  In our increasingly digital world, we can leverage their use for instructional purposes.  Here are four tips for educators and curriculum developers to use digital games in the classroom. Games as motivational aids Research has shown that...