What are performance-based assessments (PBA)? Here’s an example to help you understand PBAs. Let’s think about verbs. Regardless of your level of interest in sentence structure, the word verb most likely brought one thing to mind: action. The physical act of...
This is the fourth and final installment in the four-part blog series on authentic learning. We’ll explore how assessments fit into the authentic learning process. So far in the series we have discussed the components of authentic learning, the elements of a...
Micro-credentials might be just the right approach for your district’s professional development program. Think smaller and a more focused format. That’s microcredentials in a nutshell. How does micro-credentialing work? Professionals complete a discrete,...
This is the third installment in a four-part blog series about authentic learning experiences. In the first part we focused on what authentic learning is. The second part looked at how to develop authentic learning experiences. This post shows you how to integrate...
This is the second installment in a four-part blog series on authentic learning. We’ll explore what the environments look like that facilitate authentic learning and how to create them. The first blog explored what authentic learning is and how it can better...
This is the first in a four-part blog series on authentic learning. We’ll start by defining what authentic learning is and how to design authentic learning experiences. Then, we’ll explore how to incorporate those experiences into existing curriculum. Finally, we’ll...