In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan embarked on a daring voyage to circumnavigate the globe. His journey was driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore uncharted waters. This expedition ultimately expanded the boundaries of human knowledge and paved the way for future...
When you Google the word “designer,” the first few hits are about designer handbags, shoes, and furniture. Today, however, let’s think about visual and graphic designers. A designer’s primary goal is to communicate: anything from how to...
So many free and open educational resources exist on the Internet that can be utilized to enhance learning activities. What is an open educational resource? Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are free of copyright or license...
Teachers have high hopes for creating open dialogues in their classrooms. They strive to build lessons that incorporate the rich skills of debate and conversations. How can teachers help to improve the communication skills of their students? Here are four strategies...