Introduction: Why Do You Need an Instructional Designer? When looking at project costs, one can wonder if an instructional designer (ID) is needed. But before deciding against hiring a professional learning designer, consider the benefits. First, IDs are subject...
It’s 4:38 on Friday afternoon and you have just been informed that the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for your next project is leaving the organization. The project kicks off soon and there is no one else who can step in for the SME. You need to bring someone on board...
Many products exist in the K-12 space. On the teaching level, enthusiastic school administrators promote the use of a new product or curriculum. Later, this product or curriculum does not resonate with the teachers. Essentially, the product becomes...
While some SEL programs face criticism from states and parents, a need for them remains. For high schoolers, effective SEL materials and products lack focus for them. Many high school students use products geared for younger grades. Therefore, these products do not...
Spanish-speaking readers are complex and diverse. Yet, Spanish readers continue to wait for the range of English readers’ choices in digital products. Publishing leaders misunderstand the market when translating English-speaking content into Spanish. Publishing...
Experiential learning helps students to learn by doing. Thus, as online learning expands, schools must provide options for this type of learning. Students can work in groups, use project-based learning, and experience the arts to learn. Therefore, teachers and school...