Why Remote Learning Is Not Online Learning

Why Remote Learning Is Not Online Learning

In Spring 2020, teachers moved content designed for face-to-face (F2F) delivery online. Schools closed. So, teachers learned to use new tools. As a result, parents became learning guides. Students went to school in their bedrooms. Besides that, the move soured virtual...
How the Digital Era Is Impacting K-12 Publishers

How the Digital Era Is Impacting K-12 Publishers

Backpacks, notebooks, and textbooks may one day become items in a museum. Old-timers will gather young’uns around to hear stories of carrying dozens of heavy textbooks from class to class, uphill both ways in the snow. These textbooks had all the information anyone...
What is Three-Dimensional Learning According to NGSS

What is Three-Dimensional Learning According to NGSS

Next Generation Science Standards, or NGSS, sounds a bit like a popular science fiction show featuring characters who explore the last frontier in a spaceship. Though NGSS doesn’t have plots about broken warp drives or navigating a new galaxy, it is about solving...