6 Ways Deans Can Promote Access in Education 

6 Ways Deans Can Promote Access in Education 

Equity in education can be difficult. Yet, building a program where students participate equally in all aspects of education needs champions. Here are six ways deans can promote access to education.    Embrace Diversity with Liberal Arts Programs  First, liberal...
Digital Credentials: 7 Reasons Why Colleges Need to Offer Them

Digital Credentials: 7 Reasons Why Colleges Need to Offer Them

  Traditional paper-based degree programs are costly and take time. Digital credentials cost less and let employers see that the candidate has the skill to do the job. They give colleges options to create revenue and increase enrollment. Read these 7 points about...
7 Mindsets Colleges Can Promote for Student Success

7 Mindsets Colleges Can Promote for Student Success

Succeeding in college can be challenging at the best of times. Today, the barriers to college success are more than ever before. Different barriers like mental and physical health are ongoing topics on college campuses across the country. Still, colleges can leverage...