Technology and Theology

Technology and Theology

In the flickering glow of screens that connect and dictate our modern lives, amidst the unending stream of notifications and updates, there lies an unspoken yearning for the eternal truths that have guided humanity for millennia. As we stand at the pinnacle of...
Sense Matters

Sense Matters

As a teacher education student, thirty years ago, I learned that students learn in one of three ways – visually, auditory, or kinesthetically. This does not mean that they only learn in one way. Rather, they have a dominant learning style, though they can also...
5 Strategies to Boost Student Engagement in Online Learning

5 Strategies to Boost Student Engagement in Online Learning

In today’s world of virtual education, captivating students and ensuring their active participation in learning is a top priority for educators. The shift from traditional classrooms to digital platforms demands creative tactics to maintain students’...
What Is Blended Learning and Its Advantages

What Is Blended Learning and Its Advantages

Realize these gains by moving to a blended learning approach Blended learning is a mix of face-to-face instruction and online learning. Often modular in design, blended learning uses a range of learning items from video to online courses. One key advantage of moving...
Why Mobile Learning Continues to Grow

Why Mobile Learning Continues to Grow

Early investments in eLearning have primed courses for the next step of mobile learning. Does it seem like elearning bids were just on the table? Does it seem like a trend is here? Mobile learning is more than a trend, it’s primed to grow. Don’t fret: your investment...