Looking for a way to authentically and fully assess student comprehension? Use performance tasks! As science content writers, we are familiar with hands-on challenges that assess discrete skills—for example, a multi-station practical at the end of a laboratory-based...
Personalized learning is a tailoring process that takes into account curriculum, pedagogy, and the learning environment. With this approach, the needs of individual learners are met by offering them choices about what, when, and how they learn. Custom or personalized...
Social studies educators will be coming together in New Orleans from November 13-15 for the annual NCSS Conference, and A Pass Educational Group will be there! Our CEO, Andrew Pass, will be on hand to discuss the latest developments within our company, including our...
With advances in technology, we have increasing options for teaching STEM subjects, and also more avenues to share successful methods. STEM learning is great for building critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The challenge is how to engage the broad range of...