In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan embarked on a daring voyage to circumnavigate the globe. His journey was driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore uncharted waters. This expedition ultimately expanded the boundaries of human knowledge and paved the way for future...
In our digital age, eLearning involves students of all ages. Many publishers must create educational content and assessments that are accessible online. However, research from the journal Online Learning shows that simply providing students with online content is not...
Quality curriculum development means combining educational standards, subject matter expertise, and instructional design into a cohesive flow that is appropriate for the target learner. There are four broad steps to the curriculum development process. These steps...
It’s 4:38 on Friday afternoon and you have just been informed that the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for your next project is leaving the organization. The project kicks off soon and there is no one else who can step in for the SME. You need to bring someone on board...
What is the NCLEX? Nursing continues to be a vital profession globally. From pandemics to wars to everyday health, nurses help direct, support, and review the health of everyone, for humanity. An important step for any nurse is licensure. To obtain this license,...
Several weeks ago, I attended the ASU-GSV Summit 2021. After not traveling to any conferences for 16 months, it was a very exciting experience! The conference’s beautiful location, on the San Diego Bay, was invigorating. I connected and networked with folks from...