In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan embarked on a daring voyage to circumnavigate the globe. His journey was driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore uncharted waters. This expedition ultimately expanded the boundaries of human knowledge and paved the way for future...
I recently had the opportunity to escort an executive director of secondary education through multiple high school and middle school programs. This executive director, comparable to what most districts call assistant superintendent, set aside hours for the tour. I...
The Beginning Fifteen years ago, our founder and visionary embarked on a journey to build something big, even if he wasn’t exactly sure where it was going at the time. Sitting in a local bagel shop in 2009, Andrew Pass received an unexpected email that would change...
Imagine a student learning Shakespeare. In your imagination, is this learning relevant to the student? Is she deeply engaged or, perhaps, utterly bored? Strong teachers know how to engage students in learning topics that might otherwise seem irrelevant. They connect...
In today’s world, information is readily available at our fingertips. With a simple search, we can access an endless stream of facts, figures, and opinions. This unprecedented access to knowledge has transformed the way we interact with the world, but it also...
In the flickering glow of screens that connect and dictate our modern lives, amidst the unending stream of notifications and updates, there lies an unspoken yearning for the eternal truths that have guided humanity for millennia. As we stand at the pinnacle of...