You’ve been in that conference room, right? You can hear the buzz of the fluorescent lights… smell the coffee going stale… hear the click of the presenter’s laptop as they scroll to Slide 57 of 70. Mention “Professional Development”...
Today we are going to take a look at some current trends in instructional design that have been accelerating in recent years. As a starting point, the ability of learners to access information when it is needed, using browser-based resources, is driving many of the...
The use of technology-enhanced items (TEIs) in assessment has gained immense popularity in recent years due to the numerous advantages these item types offer. Through the use of these interactive questions, student engagement is increased substantially, especially in...
Managing a content development project involves many steps and depends on a reliable team to support the project goal. Often, a new project starts out as a fabulous idea, birthed by people passionate about the end result. Once the idea has been formed, however,...
In our series on the Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice (CCSSMP), we’ve reached number six: Attend to precision. For students who communicate instantaneously by thumb-typing emojis, doing a task slowly and attending to detail can be maddening;...