Evaluating Assessment in Education

Evaluating Assessment in Education

The world of education has changed significantly over the last decade. Educators and educational publishing companies are adapting their materials and methodologies to accommodate new, often increasingly rigorous standards. Schools are under increasing pressure to...
Expanding Student Opportunities Through CTE

Expanding Student Opportunities Through CTE

One of the most important goals of education today is to prepare students to further their studies in higher education – college readiness preparation.  For this reason, ‘College Readiness’ gets major attention, both in legislation and funding.  It is the goal...
Ying Yang of Content Development: Striking the Balance

Ying Yang of Content Development: Striking the Balance

It has been almost 30 years since I attended the Teaching and Curriculum Program at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Most of what I learned has long been forgotten, as the realities of teaching and writing lessons taught new, equally important lessons. But one of...
Rethinking Grammar Instruction to Keep Students Interested

Rethinking Grammar Instruction to Keep Students Interested

As an elementary school student of the early 1990s, I grew up accustomed to worksheets as a form of instruction and assessment. Years ago, when I began my first year of teaching, I fell into this trend, too. For grammar and mechanics skills in particular, I relied on...