4 Typical Student Misconceptions Math Course Writers Must Consider

4 Typical Student Misconceptions Math Course Writers Must Consider

Being familiar with common student misconceptions not only opens a window into student thinking, but also encourages math course writers to develop effective strategies to help students avoid incorrect generalizations or computational errors. Here are four common...
4 Characteristics of Technology Enhanced Items

4 Characteristics of Technology Enhanced Items

Many 21st century classrooms are equipped with a variety of high-tech resources, from computers to iPads to SMART boards. Along with these new technologies come new methods of assessment. While much of the buzz about technology-enhanced items (TEIs) is focused around...
6 Things Every Instructional Designer Should Know

6 Things Every Instructional Designer Should Know

Instructional designers have the most important role in the development of e-learning materials. The instructional designer creates the “face” of the content that is seen and interacted with by the learner. For the course to be effective, the instructional designer...
4 Professional Development Activities for Math Course Writers

4 Professional Development Activities for Math Course Writers

It’s easy to fall into a routine of approaching math content the way you learned it as a student yourself. The 21st century learner, however, is expected to tackle mathematical concepts using strategies and methods that may be very different from those that you were...