Career and Technical Education Students Need Literacy Strategies, Too! A recent study published by Cornell University found that combining literacy strategies with activities in CTE courses improved students’ reading abilities and, in turn, their grades. This isn’t...
3 Strategies for Developing a Math Performance Task Performance tasks provide an opportunity to assess students’ higher-order thinking and reasoning, which is sometimes difficult to evaluate using multiple-choice or other content-driven assessment items. As...
Understand the Best Practices of Teaching There are many models and methods of teaching available for instructional designers to use. Keeping up to date on the newest and best practices in teaching will help an instructional designer ensure that every learner at any...
PARCC defines technology-enhanced items (TEIs) as “tasks administered on a computer and [that] take advantage of the computer-based environment to present situations and capture responses in ways that are not possible on a paper-based test” (PARCC, 2016). Although...
Every English Language Arts (ELA) student approaches a course with different talents, struggles, and experiences. ELA course writers should be aware of the diversity of the modern classroom and prepare to consider the many contexts students may be using to approach a...