Best Practices in Planning Professional Development for Educators

Best Practices in Planning Professional Development for Educators

The most effective Teacher Professional Development (TPD) programs treat teachers as lifelong learners who want to integrate new curricular methods, content, and strategies into their classrooms. The Learning Policy Institute culled findings from 35 reports to...
The Benefits of Microcredentials

The Benefits of Microcredentials

Take Small Bites and Chew Slowly: The Benefits of Microcredentials Have you heard about microcredentials? It’s a new approach to professional development in a smaller, focused format. ______________________________________________________________ How does...
Investing in For-Profit Education

Investing in For-Profit Education

The New York Times is running an article entitled, “With Trump, Investors See Profits Again in For-Profit Colleges.” The article begins, “It hasn’t been a good couple of years for for-profit colleges. Many of them, usually offering vocational training, have had to...