It’s the question at the forefront of every assessment writer’s mind: “How can I really find out what students know?” All types of assessments have limitations, and multiple choice items are certainly no exception. However, if written well, this type of assessment can...
Communication. The word is everywhere. We are aware of its importance, but the constant use of the word often desensitizes us to the critical nature of efficient idea exchange. Nowhere is it more important than when working with your educational consulting firm; a...
For years, institutions of higher learning have been diversifying their course offerings to appeal to more students. Not only are they offering a wider range of subjects in traditional study areas, they are capitalizing on technology to mix and match face-to-face and...
I recently asked a friend of mine, Elizabeth, a student enrolled in a competency-based program, why she chose that program instead of a traditional program. Without hesitation, she said, “The ability to learn on my own terms and to make the process work for me.”...
Alt text, or alternative text, is one of the critical components of good content design. For those newer to the topic, alt text sometimes is referred to as alt attributes, alt descriptions, or alt tags. Great instructional designers, course developers, and content...