Since the advent of markers and poster board, classroom learners have created projects. Most adults have bittersweet memories of book reports in the form of book covers, dioramas of specific time periods, or posters demonstrating the water cycle. These types of...
Backpacks, notebooks, and textbooks may one day become items in a museum. Old-timers will gather young’uns around to hear stories of carrying dozens of heavy textbooks from class to class, uphill both ways in the snow. These textbooks had all the information anyone...
The flipped classroom blended learning model reverses the typical in-class and out-of-class learner responsibilities. The traditional model of a higher education class has learners listening to lectures in-class and completing mastery work at home. The flipped...
In a typical course that uses the flex model of blended learning, learners interact with online components and the instructor during the same class period. Recently the word “flex” has come to mean having options and having control. Both describe the flex model....
Remote blended learning, also known as enriched virtual blended learning, is the perfect solution for many learners. Some learners are too busy to attend class regularly. They need the flexibility of online classes; however, they still need the occasional face-to-face...