In Spring 2020, teachers moved content designed for face-to-face (F2F) delivery online. Schools closed. So, teachers learned to use new tools. As a result, parents became learning guides. Students went to school in their bedrooms. Besides that, the move soured virtual...
By now, publishers know making personalized learning events is more than just digitizing current instructional content. When students drive their learning, they thrive. Likewise, when teachers facilitate student choice by using curated content, schools win. Providers...
A Pass is proud and happy to announce our new Director of STEM Development, Liz Arcand. Liz started working with A Pass in 2015 as a freelance mathematics writer and served in both developmental editor and project manager roles before being hired as an Assistant...
Audio is everywhere these days. People are consuming more spoken word than ever. The stats back this claim up. Savvy K-12 publishers are wise to be aware of the following trends. People are listening. Audio Publishers Association (APA) reports audiobook listening is...
The educational landscape is changing at an unrecognizable pace. Educational standards are undergoing rapid changes. Content creators fight to stay up to date. How can K-12 publishers keep up with the changes? For leaders, now is the time to reach into their...