Art/Production Staff

If we live to learn, then “We need our Arts to teach us how to breathe.”

― Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

Masterful Resources, Colorful Learning

You’ve heard the old saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” If that’s true, then consider the incredible ways in which a single picture can enhance an assessment question or a page of text. Reflect upon the influence that a well constructed learner interface and background can have on the learning process. We would tell Ray Bradbury that–yes the arts do teach us how to breathe–because they teach us how and enable us to learn. Learning is the foundation for meaningful living!

What Artists and Production Staff Do

  • Bring knowledge of learning design to production process
  • Create animations and videos with and without audio accompaniment
  • Develop cutting edge user interfaces
  • Turn specifications into beautiful images/products

Who Our Artists and Production Staff Are

  • Effective collaborators enabling development of the best learning products
  • Majority have advanced degrees in fine arts, graphic art, or learning design
  • Many have more than 20 years of experience in the field and 3-5 years with A Pass
  • Possess production expertise in both general and specific subject areas

    Free Infographic

    In education and training, art and production gain their influence from the way that they are used. A masterful virtual reality experience in which learners soar to the moon, for example, means little if learners are not asked to do something with the experience. Artists and production staff must work with content developers to design terrific learning experiences. Enjoy this A Pass infographic that will help you prepare for, create, and evaluate high-quality art.