Item Writing Samples
Item writing for multiple-choice, short answer, extended response, technology-enhanced, low or high stake, aligned to standards or written sources, rationales or not, metadata or not, all subject areas, all levels.
Any Subject, Any Audience
When you’re challenged to write superior assessment items or develop complete tests, we’re here to support you.

English Language Arts
When it comes to measuring reading comprehension, writing development and critical thinking, we’ve got the expertise.

From arithmetic to algebra to calculus to application based math, our associates develop assessments to your specifications.

3-dimensional, pure science or other – the A Pass team brings the resources and expertise to test writing so you don’t have to.

Social Studies
Geography, civics, history, or economics – When you’re challenged to develop tests, our associates are the remedy.

Higher Ed
The A Pass higher education team has experienced professionals and industry leaders that turn ideas into impact for your institution.

Professional Education
Provide your staff with the most effective professional development. Creating a customized PD program is your best option.