We work with organizations to customize training content and meet the diverse needs of your audience.

How does micro-credentialing work?

Professionals complete a discrete, competency-based task. The school, district, or organization offering the micro-credentialing opportunity can then issue badges, continuing education credits, or other verification of completion.

How can you put micro-credentialing into practice for your organization?

1. Evaluate your current professional development training plan. Determine what certifications are awarded. What activities or assessments are currently meeting your needs, and what could be improved?

2. Determine the units of time or certification criteria. Is there a way to break the larger units into smaller, more digestible pieces?

3. Consider how the training could be framed to incorporate real-life skills.

4. Reach out to get help if you need it. Consider hiring instructional designers and subject matter experts to assist in the design of your training content.