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Be Creative: Learner Engagement in Allied Health Courses

Be Creative: Learner Engagement in Allied Health Courses

What is Innovative Course Design? The challenge in any course is the design. A course should be designed for learner engagement at the highest level while preparing them academically. Allied health courses are especially challenging in this area. Because these...

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Online Learning Curation: The How and Why

Online Learning Curation: The How and Why

The world of health sciences is vast and becomes even larger when content goes online. The number of courses offered online is daunting. That volume, however, does not always equate to quality. The challenge is to find the courses that offer the highest-quality...

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Judging Instruction by its User Interface

Judging Instruction by its User Interface

They say not to judge a book by its cover; but we all do it at least a little, right? We can’t help our attraction to colors and images that catch our attention. And similarly, we’re uninterested in a visual we find unappealing. For this reason, design is a top...

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4 Tips to Integrate Project-Based Learning in STEM Curriculum

4 Tips to Integrate Project-Based Learning in STEM Curriculum

How often do teachers or administrators hear those dreaded words, “Will we ever use this again?” or “Why are we learning this?”. Learning skills separate from their real world situations can make it difficult for students to understand the post-academic applications....

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3 Best Practices for Training Teachers to Talk Politics

3 Best Practices for Training Teachers to Talk Politics

Today’s polarized environment makes discussing politics in the classroom tricky.  Here are three important considerations to keep in mind when planning professional development for teachers to train them to handle discussions on politics in the classroom. Establishing...

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Alt-Text: Things to Consider Before Writing

Alt-Text: Things to Consider Before Writing

Adding alt-text to images on websites and other digital products began in the mid-1990s. Simply stated, alt-text is wording added to an image that describes that image. It helps those who cannot see images in their web browsers know what the image represents....

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Hiring the Right Project Manager for Your Project

Hiring the Right Project Manager for Your Project

Every successful content development project needs a great project manager (PM). Think of the PM as the glue that holds the entire project together. The project manager brings the team together and keeps the project moving forward. The project manager is involved in...

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Exploring Instructional Design Models Other Than ADDIE

Exploring Instructional Design Models Other Than ADDIE

Instructional design is the practice of creating digital learning materials that meet student learning needs. In order to create such materials, you need to select an effective model. There are a variety of models available. While the ADDIE model is the most widely...

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Soft Skills: How and Why

Soft Skills: How and Why

What are soft skills? Different skills are used and developed for different situations. The skills needed for math are different than the skills needed for reading; athletic skills are different still. But what about more subtle skills such as listening and time...

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4 Best Practices for Designing a Mobile Learning Curriculum

4 Best Practices for Designing a Mobile Learning Curriculum

What is Mobile Learning? Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are often viewed as distractions for students.  Since technology has become a necessity in our daily lives, why not integrate it into the learning framework? Those distractions can actually be used to achieve...

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