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Why K-12 Publishers Should Pay Attention to the Growth of Audiobooks
Audio is everywhere these days. People are consuming more spoken word than ever. The stats back this claim up. Savvy K-12 publishers are wise to be aware of the following trends.
5 Tips to Help K-12 Publishers Keep up with the Constant Changes in Educational Standards
The educational landscape is changing at an unrecognizable pace. Educational standards are undergoing rapid changes. Content creators fight to stay up to date. How can K-12 publishers keep up with the changes?
5 Project-based Learning Strategies for Higher Ed Institutions
Since the advent of markers and poster board, classroom learners have created projects. Most adults have bittersweet memories of book reports in the form of book covers, dioramas of specific time periods, or posters demonstrating the water cycle.
How the Digital Era Is Impacting K-12 Publishers
E-texts have advantages unparalleled by those of traditional textbooks that benefit K-12 publishers. This new-fangled model embraces digital textbooks.
What is The ‘Flipped Classroom’ Blended Learning Model
The flipped classroom blended learning model reverses the typical in-class and out-of-class learner responsibilities. The traditional model of a higher education class has learners listening to lectures in-class and completing mastery work at home. The flipped classroom asks learners to study the new information. Then, learners discuss the material or apply the material to projects in class.
Everything you Need to Know about the Flex Model of Blended Learning
In a typical course that uses the flex model of blended learning, learners interact with online components and the instructor during the same class period. Recently the word “flex” has come to mean having options and having control. Both describe the flex model.
What is a Remote Blended Learning Model for Higher Education
Remote blended learning, also known as enriched virtual blended learning, is the perfect solution for many learners. Some learners are too busy to attend class regularly. They need the flexibility of online classes; however, they still need the occasional face-to-face class with the instructor.
What is Three-Dimensional Learning According to NGSS
The standards in NGSS are called dimensions because one is not subservient to another. Each of the three standards is equally important, and they all rely on each other.
Station Rotation & Lab Rotation Blending Learning Models for Higher Ed
Perhaps the perfect metaphor for blended learning is the opposite of an old saying, “You can have your cake and eat it, too.” Blended learning combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning.
Why Interactive Video Has Become the Next Hot Trend in Video Learning
Interactive video is much more interesting than regular video. It’s a road with twists, turns, and scenic overlooks. It’s the kind of road you drive when you want to enjoy going someplace. It’s the kind of road that you remember.
5 Common Types of Blended Learning for Higher Education
Perhaps the perfect metaphor for blended learning is the opposite of an old saying, “You can have your cake and eat it, too.” Blended learning combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning.
The Important Role of Learning Analytics in eLearning
E-Learning analytics is like a crystal ball. It allows you to see what has happened, what is happening, and predict what will happen.